Do you seek clarity first?


When I started writing I was semi-clueless about the craft especially when it came to producing content for an audience. All I knew is that I enjoyed writing, strike that, I had a passion for writing.

The first writing project I dedicated my time and efforts to was writing my autobiography. I had envisioned a best seller. An epic story that helped the masses discover the treasures that are hidden in the tragic events that are common experiences for the majority of us.

After two years of pecking away at the keys on my keyboard I got up the courage to reach out to a writing coach for some professional feedback.

Brandon, read the first few pages and then he asked me a question that I hadn’t anticipated. “Who is your intended audience or your target market?” He inquired.

I revealed my almost pearly whites and said. “Anybody and everybody that might benefit from the positive things I have learned from the tragic events of my life.”

“That’ a pretty broad net you are casting.” Brandon smiled, and asked. “Do you fish?”

I scratched my head and responded.“I love to fish but what’s that got to do with my writing?”

“Any good fisherman will tell you no matter how large a net you cast, you won’t catch any fish in an empty lake.” Brandon observed the perplexed look on my face and then he inquired.“What’s the message you want to get out?”

Ouch… I shook my head and looked across the table at Brandon, thinking that I had wasted two years of my life. If he couldn’t grasp the message I had worked so hard to convey the first few pages I had written must have sucked.

After ten or so minutes listening to me ramble on about my message Brandon took a few minutes to express his thoughts about the few pages he had read of my manuscript. I was happy when he said I had captured his imagination as well as his heart. When he finished sharing his encouraging words, he suggested that we meet again the next week. After I had the opportunity to do some soul searching and some research to define my intended audience.

Even though my first coaching session didn’t go the way I expected I learned a valuable lesson. When you are writing it is as crucial to know who you are writing for, as it is to know the message, or thought you wish to convey.

It’s been about five years since my first coaching session, since then I have become a writing coach and volunteer mentor for writers myself. The first thing I share with my writing clients is the importance of clarity. Not only clarity of their message, but clarity as to who their audience is.

Do you know who your target audience is?

Before you sit down to write, it is a good idea to determine who you are writing for. Do the research and write in a style that will appeal to that audience. Recent study’s conducted by several organizations including the National Center for Educational Statistics or NCES have revealed that the average Adult in the United States reads at a ninth grade level. Further more it has been determined that the average reader would rather read at a level two years below their skill level for entertainment purposes. That said most likely the members of your target audience prefer reading stuff that has been written at a seventh grade reading level. So much for “five dollar” words… I am not saying don’t use them, but consider this. Would you enjoy reading something if you had to google every other word in order to understand what it is the author is trying to say?

Do you have clarity about who you are writing for?

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, I appreciate you and am grateful for your taking the time to do so. With luck you found some of the information useful.

How shall I begin?

Isn’t it funny sometimes how things turn out even when we put forth the effort required to make things happen as we intended them to? January is over and I have yet to post anything on my blog this year even though I have been working on this post for weeks.

Oh come on now Joe you’re a paid writer. Do you mean to tell me that you do the research and write 600-700 word articles for your clients in a matter of hours, but a simple post for your own blog has taken almost a month to write?

Not to make excuses, but the dead of winter is an emotionally challenging time for many of us, and this winter has been especially challenging for me. The fact is I’ve been hesitant to share what’s been on my mind.

As I stood among my friends the Aspen, Cottonwood, and Spruce a couple of weeks ago on a frozen mountainside I caught site of a lone bird sitting on a bare branch. The crooning of the lonely songbird invoked a deep mourning for one that I loved and missed dearly.

You may not know it, but last January my son Dennis passed away after a long bout with the a demon I know all too well… the devil that lurks inside of the bottle.

I searched for the silver lining in the sorrow I was experiencing while a ferocious arctic wind pummeled my face with ice rain, sleet, and snow. With frostbite about to set in from the waterfall of tears cascading down my frozen cheeks it dawned on me that tragedy was the perfect segue into my upcoming series about writing.

Tragedy… After all a series of tragic events was the impetus for me to write something for the first time since I left high school.

What was so tragic that I would pick up the pen and express myself in writing? A better question might be why did I pick up the pen?

It was February of 2007 as I sat in my car during a freezing rain storm. I stared at the bottle of Wild Turkey 101 I held in my hand, and contemplated whether or not it might be better for those I loved if I stepped in front of a truck. I was about to pop the cork, when out of nowhere a poetic thought came to mind.

Fortunately I chose to set the bottle down and followed the urge I had to drag the backpack that contained my laptop out of the back seat. I snatched the laptop out of the bag, fired it up and watched the letters appear on the 15” screen as my fingers hit the keys. When I finished reading the poem that I had just written, a wave of emotion overcame me. I felt so happy to be alive, that I took a walk and let the freezing rain wash away the tears.

Several poems and a few months passed before I started my first major writing project. Even though I spent the next year writing a story that will most likely never be published, I knew as I wrote my life story that I wanted to become a paid writer.

So how does one become a paid writer? Especially when you don’t have a college degree.

First of all you have to love writing enough that you are inspired to learn how to write in a way that reaches an audience. Learning to write for the audience you want to reach doesn’t require spending thousands of dollars, and sitting in classes for years. It does require study and dedication to learning the craft of writing though. I have spent at least four hours a day over the last eight years learning the craft and if I were to guess I will spend the rest of my life studying the art of writing.

My first mentors William Strunk Jr., and E.B. White, authors of The Elements of Style opened my eyes to the simple truths of the importance of style and grammar in my writing. No I don’t personally know either of these two masters of the craft, none the less they have mentored me by sharing their wisdom and knowledge.

Over the next few months I will be sharing with the cherished readers of this blog the adventures I have enjoyed with the many mentors I have had the gift to learn from over the years. Some of them are known to many, Masters of the craft like William Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway, Nora Roberts, and Stephen King to name a few. Then there are those that you probably never heard of like Brendan Schemrie, who taught me the importance of writing for a specific audience. Or Shauna Edson, who spent an hour every Wednesday for a year coaching me and teaching me the mechanics of writing dialogue. Then there is my friend, editor, and co-mentor of the Veterans writing group at the Salt Lake V.A. Hospital, Peter Muller who has taught and inspired me in ways that the masters would admire.

Thank you for stopping by and allowing me to share my thoughts with you. Until next time please keep being beautiful you as you are the change we need to make our world a better place for all we share it with.

Namaste with love,

Joe Bradshaw

Held Hostage….?

Hello world, although it was my intention to share a post on here a few days ago, I encountered some technical issues. Imagine waking up the day after Christmas, and discovering that you were locked out of your word processing software.

“Arrrgh,” I growled knowing that I had a couple of articles due the next morning for one of my cherished clients. I shook my head and cursed the day I upgraded from Microsoft Word 2010, to the new and improved Microsoft Office 365. It seemed like a good idea at the time since the upgrade was included with the NetBook I got as a gift from my brother last year for Christmas. Little did I realize that a year later my life’s work would be held for ransom.

I suppose that’s a little melodramatic but I am a writer and a good story requires a little drama doesn’t it? Yes I know that I can use Microsoft Office 365 Online for free, or I could use Google Docs, but what about those times I have no internet access? I often write at the beach, in the mountains or at a park because I find those places inspirational and there are limited distractions.

So what’s a free spirited freelance writer to do when his work is being held hostage? Pay the fee?

Hell no! Being the rebel I am, and being as angry as I am, I have decided to search for a word processing program that won’t charge me a monthly fee for the privilege of accessing my own work. Although I love Microsoft’s Word program, I don’t like the notion that I should have to pay a monthly or yearly subscription fee to use it even if that fee is less than what I pay for a couple of cups of coffee. What’s next a subscription fee to use my laptop?

So the search has begun, a simple Google Search revealed that there are a number of great word processing programs out there including many that offer the same features that Microsoft includes in Office 365. I don’t mind paying for the software in fact I paid for Word 2010 unfortunately when I upgraded I apparently lost access to that program.

After doing some research I realize that as a professional writer I may be swimming upstream as I try to get away from Microsoft’s new subscription service, but there are some great alternatives available on the market. I have narrowed the list down to three programs that were rated highly on, Corel’s WordPerfect Office X8, SoftMaker’s TextMaker 2016, and Ability Office 6. I am downloading trial versions of the fore mentioned word processing software, and intend to give them all a fair shot by using each one to polish up a chapter of my latest manuscript.

Additionally there are a few free offerings that also look like they would be up to the task such as Libre Office which I just installed on my NetBook. Another promising possibility is Open Office Writer 4.1.3 which I am currently using to write this post on my trusty Lenovo laptop. What word processing software do you use?

How do you feel about monthly subscriptions to access your own work?


Ghosts… Really?

Joe, you’re a day late and a dollar short if you think that ghosts are an appropriate subject to write about this time of year. Halloween was over a month ago, and frankly we are ready to embrace a different season, one filled with love and joy, not scary and frightening. So, what on earth would possess you to write about ghosts?

That’s a great question, but first I would like to say hello to all of those that take the time to read my blog posts, especially those that have written to me to inquire about my wellbeing. My blog although neglected as of late isn’t dead neither is the writer, even though it’s been so long since I have written a post that it may appear to have been the case.

The inspiration for this long overdue post is my favorite ghost story, and arguably the most well-known ghost story of all time, the Dicken’s classic A Christmas Carol. The Victorian era tale of Ebenezer Scrooge, being haunted by the apparitions of his dear friend Jacob Marley, and the spirits of Christmas past, present, and future serves as an inspiration for us all to make a more meaningful contribution to the world. The letters and notes from my friends here on WordPress have inspired me even though I have been making my way as a ghost writer to make a more meaningful contribution to the world through my writing.

I am grateful to the WordPress community for bearing with me and supporting my efforts as I master the craft of writing. It is the experience gained from writing blog posts that opened the door to my writing career. Thank you all for your kindness in liking and commenting on my posts. Your support has been very inspirational and given me the confidence I needed to reach higher and pursue my dream of making a living as a writer.

As we all know in the digital age we live in, if you hope to make a living as a writer you must get as much exposure as you can, in order build your personal brand. Although I have been making money writing, and editing the objectives of exposure, and brand building are difficult to achieve when the content you produce is as a ghost writer. Until recently I had been questioning the value and purpose of this blog. That is until I realized that it is a way to share my love of writing, and a tool that has been helping me build my brand.

That said my being merely a ghostwriter is not sufficiently representing who I am as a writer or a person.  So, it’s time to implement the skills I have been learning over the last few years while attending online writing classes, participating in webinars, and taking marketing courses. In other words, it’s time for me to step onto the world stage and be recognized as the writer, and person I have become. It’s time to contribute to our world in a more meaningful way through my writing.

As I move forward it is my intent to introduce you to some of the mentors and organizations that have helped me as I learn to master the craft of writing. Becoming a good writer is only possible if you learn the art of writing from those that teach the art of writing. I guess what I am trying to express is that becoming and being a good writer comes from being a part of a great community. I am honored to be a part of this writing community.

Thank you all for being beautiful you and sharing the things you do. You are all making a difference in our world and making it a better place for all we share it with. Namaste.

California, dreamin, oh it’s just me chasing a dream!

Hello, how are you? I am in California DREAMING!

It has certainly been a while since I have really dedicated much time to this blog. It’s kind of a shame because I learned so much about life vicariously through the stories and information shared here on WordPress it truly is a family kind of community that I am grateful to be a part of.

I opened this post with a popular song on my mind yet I had another reason for sharing that I am currently in spectacular Southern California. After an amazing year of adventure and interacting with many incredible people, and exploring places from coast to coast and back I am wintering out reaching for the stars in sunny California. I found myself reminiscing and looking for the future with my shades on :).  My fellow bloggers you are on my mind as oddly enough are the women that have touched my life and taught me what love is as I listen to the song!


Life for me is a gift I cherish even though things rarely go as planned. In many cases those plans go out the window somewhere along the line and we improvise. Good bad or ugly at one moment can appear beautiful and loving the next. I think the true treasure is found in our interactions with our fellow people and the place we are interacting.

“Philosophy? Come on now you’re not going to jump right into that are you? The depth of the subject to take forever to explore.” I had intended to share a little about the people I met along the way this past year from Seattle, WA on 420 day, to Boca Raton, FL on the 4th of July with stops in Atlanta, Denver, Las Cruces, NM, Truth or Consequence, NM and for the moment in one of my favorite places on the planet Earth…. Sunny California. One of those people is from LA a very talented and gifted writer and human being Ms. Jocelyn F. Wright.

Actually I was heading for the deeper subject of modern religion. You see my good friend Jocelyn, wrote a script for a new TV series. It’s about a “Catholic Nun” and a group of teens she looks out for in the dormitory that seems to be more of an orphanage in a way. When she told me about the project I had envisioned a modern day “Flying Nun”, however that was not the case at all…. Having spent twenty years in NY,NY with some pretty devote Catholics it was nice to see their world from a new perspective. Drama!!! Oh my but what a captivating story!

It is my pleasure to share with you the works of other artists I have met along the way the first of which I would like to share with you…

Hope you enjoyed the video and perhaps caught the video and hit the like button… If not that’s cool too!

Just wanted to share a little of what’s happening in my world and let you know I will be around more often now that I have chosen to jump… Starving artist sale or upwards and onward stay tuned and find out in upcoming posts. The possibilities are infinite and things don’t always go your way because some things are out of your control.

Roll with the flow avoid the rocks and be excited for what is coming around the bend and grateful for what you find! Thank you all for being you and contributing to the world your presence as a major player in the making our world a better place for all we share it with.

Namaste! With love and acceptance.

Rewriting is an evolutionary process


A few days ago my good friend and Editor Peter Muller shared with me a compliment that inspired this post.

“Joe it is a great pleasure and gift to get to know you as we have worked together over the last four years. As I work on editing your manuscript I see the parallel between you and your character Jake on his journey to evolve and become enlightened.” Peter remarked.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked with a smile as big as Texas.

“You and your writing have evolved much like your character Jake does in the story. I have to say that you are on the path that is meant for you. You are becoming a great writer.” Peter exclaimed with a smile just as grand.

Peter rarely gives compliments, as an editor he is more likely to give a critique or voice an opinion about how a thought or idea could have been expressed in a more powerful way. I appreciate and am honored that he cares about me enough to teach me and guide me as I learn the craft of writing.
I thought I might share an illustration of how important rewriting is in the evolution of a story.

The following paragraph was selected from my upcoming novel The Talisman.

The rough draft:
Jake felt unlike he had ever felt, it was as if he was immense and small at the same time, he could feel his skin, his muscles, he could feel the valves of his heart open and close, the blood pulsing through his veins, he could feel his lungs expanding and contracting it seemed he could even feel the air separate and mix with his blood. He closed his eyes and even before he started to silently chant he could see the purple cloud and white ball he was becoming familiar with. He silently started to chant, it seemed to him his silent chant was loud and powerful even in its faint delicate silence.

The First rewrite:
Jake had a feeling within, unlike no other feeling he had ever felt. It was as if he was immense and small at the same time. When he sat down, he felt the life, in his skin, and in his muscles. He could feel the valves of his heart open and close, the blood pulsing through his veins. With each breath he could feel his lungs expanding and contracting it seemed he could even feel the air separate and mix with his blood. He had never felt so alive.

The Second rewrite:
When Jake sat down it was surreal as if he was in a dream. He was immense and small at the same time. He felt the cells in his skin, muscles and organs. He could hear the valves of his heart open and close, as the blood pulsed through his veins. With each breath as his lungs expanded and contracted, the air separated and mixed with his blood, he experienced the sensation of being alive.

Each rewrite expressed the same thought yet the last paragraph was far more concise and shared with the reader a more powerful picture. The last version was a better way of showing the reader than telling the reader when compared to the two previous versions.

As the writer I wanted the reader to feel what my character felt and used the word “feel” in its various tenses six times in the original draft, seven times in the first rewrite and only one time in the last rewrite.

Which paragraph do you feel is more powerful and captivating?

I read the first rewrite in a writing group thinking I had captured the essence of what I was trying to convey in a way that would invoke the imagination of my readers and inspire them to vicariously share my characters experience. Then one of the members of the group pointed out that I had used the word feel seven times in one paragraph.

As a writer it was an eye opening comment that made me look at how I could better capture the imagination of my readers by using my own imagination and choosing different words to captivate them.

Good writing is achieved through rewriting. Rewriting is how a story and writer evolve.

Thank you for visiting, I hope you enjoyed the experience and perhaps that in some way this post may enrich your life in some way. Thank you for being beautiful you and making our world a better place for all we share it with.


lost loves

On a canvas paint
Brushes dipped, color filled tips
Expressed from a heart not faint

Inaudible strokes
Deep resounding tones
Echoing words never spoke

Splashes of reds
Over blackened notes
Silent spaces filled with dread

Demons in the shadows hide
Secrets haunting
Found as the light shines inside

As the strokes on the canvas sing
A picture begins to form
Contrast eerily screams

Macabre to some
Hideous to others
Beautiful to one

Darkness, light
Day, night
Life is not black and white

Just wanted to share a thought or two.. I was doing some inner exploration and had a realization that I had not written a poem for some time. I found the poem flowed from my inner self and as I wrote the words I thought I may share them here. I rarely write from such a place yet there are some that may appreciate the sentiment I was inspired to express. Raw and uncut (not edited… sorry I just felt like sharing it as it is)

I am in a process of new beginnings and am quite grateful for all of my life’s experiences… especially that shared with my former loves.

Thank you all for being beautiful you!


Writers Block? A poetic expression…

As I sat at my keyboard to compose
The notes that within me rose
Express my heart in poetic prose

Words could not describe
What I felt inside
Music did in the silence hide

Time and beat
Rhythm and rhyme
Words sometimes cannot define

To embrace the stillness
Is to know the divine
Is a state sublime


I have been completing my novel and am in the process of querying agents. Sorry I have been neglecting to post and read as many posts as usual… A few more days and the letters will be sent the new novel is underway and I will make time to be more present here.

Thank you all for being so awesome and sharing your notes of concern and wonder I am doing well… Much love and appreciation to you all. Thank you for being beautiful you!


Simple Me… a poetically expressed thought

Scattered energies
Fragmented dreams
Nothing is ever as it seems

Dark and light
I embrace
Clarity in stillness not haste

Silence understood
Never bad never good
Judge not

Just be

I am beautiful
I am focused
I am simple me

And free


Distracted… By my virtual Valentine

You have taken over my mind
Distracted feeling quite sublime
Feelings and thoughts transcending time

Thoughts racing bouncing here and there
Should be focused yet I don’t care
Wish my fingers were running through your hair

As you speak
My knees get weak
Your body in bed I seek

To feel your flesh skin on skin
The thoughts that rage within
With you naked we begin

Kisses tenderly
Passion building bursting free
Your legs wrapped around me

Slowly the rhythm builds
Quivering as your depth you yield
Our bodies melting as it is filled

Clenching squeezing contracting
Your inner works reacting
From the depths of me extracting

Our magical attraction
Cosmic reaction
Mutual satisfaction

Distracted by thoughts and dreams
Making love with you on my mind it seems
What a lovely distraction your sweet smile brings

My virtual Valentine
You are on my mind
Can’t wait to meet you in space and time


For the first time since my first kiss… I have no Valentine to share this Valentines Day with. I am a romantic kind of guy and figured I would throw my thoughts out into the Universe and be surprised with what it shares with me! I actually have a lady I desire to make my Valentine she really made me feel so sublime yet I have only just met her and she lives quite a ways away. It may seem kind of … Scary maybe to show up and take her for dinner out of the blue. So I decided to just chill and wrote a poem expressing how I feel. Happy Valentines to you all and my virtual Valentine, maybe next year I may once again have one that is real!

The Key… Acceptance unlock your heart and mind.

“Our watchword, then, will be acceptance, and not exclusion. Not only toleration, for so-called toleration is often blasphemy, and I do not believe in it. I believe in acceptance. Why should I tolerate? Toleration means that I think that you are wrong and I am just allowing you to live. Is it not a blasphemy to think that you and I are allowing others to live?” (Swami Vivekananda, The Complete Works Vol.2)

I was inspired to share the quote as I observe the world around me, I accept that it is a beautiful world and it is by working together as human beings and accepting our differences that our world will evolve and the ignorance as well as the violence will transform into wisdom and compassion.


Acceptance is the key to changing ourselves and our world. Accepting responsibility for our thoughts and actions is the first step towards changing ourselves and our world. Start with accepting that you are you and loving yourself just as you are and embracing who you want to be. Accept it will take effort and know that you are doing the best you can. It will allow you to accept that those around you are human just like you!

Acceptance is a form of love, I happen to feel it is one of the ultimate expressions of love!

I accept that you feel how you feel. I accept that you did what you felt you had to do. I accept that at this moment in time….. I am where I am, I am present, I accept that it is what it is and it is accepted with love. I accept you as you are and me as I am all of us are a part of this wonderful existence we know as life.

Thank you for being beautiful you and changing the world with your love and your smiles, You are making a difference and having an impact. Thank you for being the positive change our world so needs, you are making it better for all we share it with! Thank you!


An Immortal, a Sorcerer and a thousand years of love…

Jake exited the Lincoln Tunnel entering the urban jungle of concrete, steel, and flesh, the “Big Apple”. He turned onto Tenth Ave. abruptly slamming on the brakes just avoiding a collision with a redhead that had a body like Marilyn Monroe.

“Damn it” he cursed, as his coffee cup erupted like a volcano. He looked at the traffic signal making sure he had the green thinking; it’s suicidal for someone on foot to try to cross against the signal, during the morning rush hour.

What the hell, is she doing, he thought while searching for a napkin to clean up the murky pool that now graced the seat of his jeep ” Betsy”. He retrieved a napkin and looked up from the spotless consol to find the road hazard staring into his eyes as she walked towards him.
The smell of overheating brakes, burnt oil and scorched tires wafted through the window assaulting Jake’s nose as he rolled it down “What the hell are you doing, are you crazy?” he shouted over the cacophony of horns, now blaring simultaneously, by the conductor- less, orchestra …the five lanes of stopped traffic that now surrounded him.

“I came to find you Jake; we need to talk, and you haven’t got much time.” She said before asking rather smugly.” Are you going to let me in or leave me standing here to get run over?”

“What are you talking about, do I know you?” Jake queered, as he pondered whether he should let her in or not. What harm could she do he muttered in his mind. She is half my size and doesn’t look like an axe murderer. Even if she is there was no way she is hiding an axe in that outfit. . She was wearing a perfectly pleated paisley dress which revealed her shapely body, and highlighted her auburn hair, and enchanting green eyes. He unlocked the door and told her “get in.”

The flowery spring like fragrance of her perfume preceded her entry, making him feel somehow lighter, and full of joy. He smiled as climbed in and sat next to him. “My name is Sandra; I have been a friend of yours for close to three thousand years.” She said as her full lips proclaimed, revealing her brilliant white teeth and creating a warm smile.

“What?’ exclaimed Jake” Three thousand years is a long time. In case you hadn’t noticed I am not that old, even though I am forty-three I don’t feel in any way ancient. You, my beautiful friend, can’t be a day over thirty, thirty five at the most.”

“Do you believe in reincarnation?”She retorted, then before Jake could answer she continued”We are spiritual beings, souls that have chosen to take a physical body.

The song just seemed to fit! “The Talisman of Immortality” coming soon to a book store near you!

Taking the time to smell the flowers!


I wanted to share a few thoughts. It is my first post of the New Year; In fact it is my first post in a few weeks. I was reminded recently of my past, I lived a fast hard life during my twenty’s and thirty’s. Work consumed my time and money was all that was on my mind. So much so that I missed out on smelling so many roses… Have you ever stopped to think about and feel something that really brought you great joy? I have observed as I talk to people and help them step into the life they dream of that it is easy to remember the not so pleasant things that happen in our lives. I also have noticed as I step into my dream life, and implement the things I have learned and teach I had the same problem.

Funny how other people’s story can remind us of our own story, the good the bad and the ugly. I read Stephen Kings memoir “On Writing” recently. I had been told it was the number one guide to becoming a better writer, to master the craft of writing this book is a must read. I agree it is a must read for any writer, as a writer you have to be a reader. Some of the characters in his story were very reminiscent of some of the characters in my youth.

One or two of his characters along with their situations, and experiences hit quite close to home for me. The truth is they would probably hit quite home for most of us. One of the stories he shared was about two girls and a boy that were in some of his classes while he was a teacher at a High School. They were not wealthy students; one of the girls wore the same skirt and shirt all year. By the time it was winter the skirt was faded, the shirt was stained and for the most part translucent. The kids all picked on those unfortunate students because they were basically stuck with what they had.

One of the motivating factors for my obsession with making money and having the means to buy my children the finest of everything materially was my own childhood memories. When I was in fifth grade I was given the nick name “K mart”. I had one pair of shoes to wear through the school year, plastic ones that were always a size or two larger than my feet at the start of the year so I could grow into them. One pair of jeans and a couple of homemade shirts completed my wardrobe. The shoes were what they used to call K Mart specials shiny patent leather knock offs. Most other kids I knew wore them on Sunday to church.

I got my first job at 13 so I could buy myself clothes that were more in style, and lose the nick name. I never wanted to hear the name” K mart” again especially if it was what I was being called. I was determined to make a million dollars and know my children would never be ridiculed for the clothes they wore. I would never again feel like I was poor!

Here it is 2015, I was speaking with a friend about a seminar we had recently attended. It was a Law of Attraction seminar and the speaker (A close friend) was talking about the visualization process. Find a memory of a time in your life when you had great joy and success. Feel that moment remember how you felt. Bask in that moment!


It was that moment that I realized… How important it is to stop and smell the roses. I had the hardest time finding a moment that truly resonated with that feeling of joy. Not that I have not known or experienced joy, there have been many times in my life that I have. I was trying to think of a financial moment as it was again money on my mind. There was a time I got a check for twenty thousand dollars, I will remember that moment and the feeling I told myself. I suppose that is where I am going with this post.

I don’t remember the feeling, I don’t remember the joy, I don’t remember celebrating, I remember telling my former wife to deposit it. I remember going to work a fifteen hour day, coming home and checking on the balance in my checking account before I went to bed. Ten years later I can’t say how I felt about something that would have made “K mart” jump for joy, laugh, dance and sing.

I start this year with a great smile, and the intent to bask in each moment, find the joy and feel it savor it just like it was a rose. I have changed my life and path, choosing to do what I love. I am writing, painting and creating things with love and joy. I believe and know just like I did when I was 13 that I will make millions. This time doing what I love and savoring the moments, not neglecting the most beautiful part of life.

Do you live in the moment, do you smell the flowers? Can you recall the first time you felt love? The feeling you had when you had your first kiss? I had to dig very deep to remember those feelings. Isn’t that a shame?

I encourage you to stop and smell the roses, savor the moments in your life that bring you joy! Bask in those moments, and remember them when you start to think about the not, so pleasant things. That change of perspective will brighten up a cloudy day. The more you remember how beautiful that rose was to look at, the smell, and how it made you smile… The more beautiful your life will become!

Thank you for stopping by, thank you even more for being you!


Become a better writer, LinkedIn.. Groups and critiques

Acrid smoke filled the air, the cast iron hook on the chain suspended from the iron tripod held the cauldron in the center of the well stoked fire. The cauldron now glowing red was all but empty its contents sizzled and crackled as they began to char and burn. The air was filled with the stench of burnt words.
What? Burnt words, stench, where does that come from? What are you talking about Joe?

Why writing of course! Have you ever asked for a critique of your writing? Have you ever asked a group of professional writers to critique a sentence or a paragraph from a first draft of your manuscript or article you may have written?

I recently asked for a critique in a writers group on LinkedIn. It ended up being quite an eye opening experience. I asked for a few thoughts as far as my original opening sentence that I had written for my novel.

“I am curious is the following a good opening sentence for a book? As Jake was driving to work his mind raced, his heart ached, and he didn’t want to go to work.”

130 Comments later I smile and laugh at the scorched words in the pot! The wide variety of feedback and comments ranged from” yes that is a good first sentence” to” that sucks cliché, lazy, no creativity, work twice in the first sentence.. Really! You are obviously a rookie and have no imagination.”

“Feel the heat?” Oh my, as I went to a coaching session at the Community Writing Center I sat down with my friend and coach and mentioned the fact I had posted the sentence for critique in a group on LinkedIn. I was smiling and quite proud of myself for having done so even though I had already been working on my re write I did feel the original sentence had merit and legs of sorts. I wanted to get some opinions that may help me express the same sentiment in a more creative and artistic way. Did the sentence make the reader curious enough to read on?

I smiled big as I told her “I got a lot of feedback”

She laughed as she said”You got Mauled!”

We both laughed for a few minutes as she told me she had read the comments.. Being a connection my activity is on her news feed.

I am sharing this story for two reasons.. One, posting your questions in a writing group is a great way to learn and get constructive feedback. Two, I found it funny to see how many people judge a story, and the writer based on a few words.

“Do you judge a book by its cover or its title?” What about the first sentence or paragraph?

My revised first sentence and couple of paragraphs.. It may change again before I am finished with the re write!

Jake exited the Lincoln Tunnel entering the urban jungle of concrete, steel, and flesh, commonly referred to as the “Big Apple”. He turned onto Tenth Ave. and abruptly slammed on the brakes barely avoiding a collision with a redhead that had a body like Marilyn Monroe.

“Damn it” he cursed, as his coffee cup erupted like a volcano, spewing its contents like a river of magma flowing from hand to thigh. He looked at the traffic signal to make sure he had the green thinking; it was almost suicidal for someone on foot to try and cross an intersection against the signal, during the morning rush hour.

Do you want to become a better writer? Maybe posting some of your work in a writing group will help you along the way! You may find your words smoldering in the cauldron and laugh as your new ones rise like a phoenix from the ashes!
Thank you for stopping by and thank you for being beautiful you! I am grateful as is our world that you choose to share your love and your smiles! It makes our world a better place for all we share it with!
Namaste 

Waiting… A poetically expressed thought

Everything thing is in motion
Dreams planted like seeds from ocean to ocean
What to do next I haven’t a notion

The energy is so thick and dense
Being in alignment it only makes sense
Not to worry about what’s over the fence

I know that things are beginning to grow
Things that are special I truly know
My heart and my mind they tell me so

The work of alignment meditation of mind and heart
Truly the best way to make a new start
Now for the waiting…
The hardest part

Years of learning, implementing and contemplating come to an end and a new beginning. Seeds planted with intent from a place of true body mind and heart alignment. All that is left to do is let it all go water those seeds with love and the knowing that they will grow… Now all one can do is wait for the flowers to grow and then bloom!

It is quite an amazing feeling to know that you have taken the time to plant your seeds in your field of dreams after you have learned from the Masters. Baby steps and positive thoughts are all you can do as you move deeper into the unknown, knowing that something is happening that will make all the efforts worthwhile. Change is sometimes harder than we would think yet the rewards are far beyond what we could ever imagine even if they are not the ones we thought we would receive.

From a chunk of coal to a diamond it is quite a process, I want to say thank you all for being you, diamonds shining bright and beautiful through the darkness we all at times travel through!

Namaste 🙂

Happy Thanksgiving… Everyday is a gift to be thankful for


Every day is a gift I choose to be Grateful for
Thanksgiving Day is special that is for sure
Where we give thanks even more

Today is a day of love and grace
No matter your religion, creed or race
As we sit down to our meals all over the place

Some say prayers before they eat
Their wonderful meals and their tasty treats
Some choose tofu for their Thanksgiving feasts

Whatever it is that you do this day
I hope that you do it in a loving way
I wish you and yours a day filled with love and joy
On this very special day
Happy Thanksgiving!

I wish you the best where ever you are if you are in a place where it isn’t a holiday or you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving I wish you a day filled with love and grace, in my heart you are with me at my table sharing a meal and some smiles as we express our gratitude and thanks for the gift of life and the love we have in our lives.
Thank you all for being You, and doing all the beautiful things you do! You are awesome and I am quite blessed to be given the opportunity to share this time and space with you. Thank you!

Namaste 🙂

Websites.. 5 minutes really? Oh my lol

I wanted to share a couple of thoughts about website building and Platforms for website hosting. First they all have a gimmick it seems! Have you ever read those ads that say have a site up and running in five minutes? Well perhaps it is true yet you would have to be an amazing individual and have a lot of information ready to cut and paste.

I recently began doing some extensive research and investigating as to where to open one of my new websites for my Coaching Business after much searching I went with the Number one platform as listed on a reputable site. Well I do have to agree they did have my site up in five minutes… I was editing it for about two hours before I got a nice note telling me my site was live and online. They suggested nicely that I may want to take it offline and post an under construction sign? What? Why would they not have thought of that and had a ready to go online button like the other website hosting building platforms I have used? I do have to say however that I am impressed and quite proud to say I was indeed online with a working site in five minutes..  Lol three days and two weeks into it I have a site I am ready to do business on I think?

That said I would like to ask a favor of you.. My WordPress friends and family.
If you have the time and inclination to do so perhaps you may stop by my website and share a few thoughts or suggestions if you might as to if you like it and if you have any suggestions that may make it better. I am going to link my blog and several other blogs may be re blogged there from time to time yet the site is still in the development stage. I do however need to step into the picture I am painting as far as my life goes so I will be doing small adjustments as the days go by.

Here is the link;

Thank you for being you and visiting my pages as you share your smiles and love.. You are making our world a better place for all we share it with. You are also a treasure to me with the many ways you choose to share your smiles, love and support as you write your blogs and share your wisdom with us all. Please feel free to comment and let me know what you think about the website if you have time.

Namaste 

A tool from the “Old toolbox” Empowerment tools


Image courtesy of : .

I thought I might share a tool from the old toolbox as it may help someone in a way that they need right now. The largest obstacle for most people I have been chatting with and my mentoring clients is one I also had issue with… Identity, “who am I” we at various points in time ask ourselves that question. The answer is not always what we want to hear. Why? Well we are conditioned and have built a definition based on that conditioning and how we are feeling about ourselves. In truth there are many factors that lead to our answers.

I would like to share a tool that will help you as you search for the answer to that question. It is an empowerment tool that over many years has been used and developed to assist us in learning to claim our personal power and begin the process of learning who we are and build a new base to start from as we move forward in our personal journeys. I would say that it is one of the most effective beginner tools and is easy to use. Using it as I am suggesting twice a day for a month while adjusting it as necessary will change your life in a very positive way. It will also begin the reprogramming of your subconscious mind eliminating limiting beliefs and negative patterns of thinking about yourself to positive beliefs and patterns that empower you to move forward with confidence and self love.

The tool is called “Declaration” and is a tool that you create and has two parts that you apply in a verbal and visual way that is so simple yet so powerful.

Part one
Step one; take a sheet of paper and fold it in half, on the right hand side at the top of the sheet write the word negative, on the left hand side write the word positive.

Step two; on the right hand side of the page write down the first five negative things that people have said or that negative voice says about you in your head. Do not use I am statements remember this is the voice not your inner being, don’t accept the label!

Step three; on the left hand side of the page write the five opposites to the negatives you wrote on the rights side of the page and with each opposite add a positive statement about your physical being. Use I am statements claim your power!

Positive …………………………………………….. Negative
I am Fearless and I have an awesome smile!……………………. You are too scared
I am Intelligent and I am healthy ………………………….. You are stupid
I am worthy and I am sexy …………………………….You don’t deserve that car
I am capable of doing anything I set my mind to………………You are not good enough
And I am strong
I am intuitive and a chunk of man candy ….you are a dreamer and make stuff up

Part Two:

Step one; tear the sheet in half set the negative side aside…

Step two: Take the positive list and read it aloud three times, do this at least twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening. The more you read it the deeper and faster the process.

The first time you read it read it in your normal voice out loud, then read it in a loud voice a “Galactic or Epic” voice raise your arms while you read it this way declare it to the Universe the third time your say it say it in a soft gentle and reverent voice. Remember it is important to read the list out loud at least three times in three different levels of voice.. Read it silently rather than Galactic if that makes you uncomfortable yet mouth the words. The Galactic is preferred for its movement of energy and the chemical reaction it produces in your body… Everything is energy and moving energy is momentum, the tool is a too, that establishes momentum and personal empowerment.

Step three; take the negative side and… WAD IT UP AND STAMP ON IT, BURN IT, THROW IT AWAY, FLUSH IT, DOUBLE STAMP IT WITH BOTH FEET do whatever makes you happy as you let it be known that you are not that!

I hope you may have found this post useful, perhaps you don’t need this kind of tool you may however know someone that is in a rough place with a loss of confidence feeling beat up and labeled. You can share a few minutes and help them create a Declaration tool that will help them empower themselves and begin changing their lives in a positive way!

Thank you for sharing your time with me and taking the time to read this post. You are awesome and I am grateful for your presence. I woulds also like to say thank you for being the positive change our world so needs as you share your love and your smiles making our world a better place for all we share it with. 

The Art of Bieng You… You are a Masterpiece… A poem

… “The Art of Being You”
I appreciate the diverse ways that people express themselves with me every day
I truly appreciate the smiles they share and the words they say
Every frown and every tear is a gift as well
Colored with emotion in ways I see and hear
Like strokes of a brush on the canvas of my soul
Each one of them I cherish and hold dear

We all express ourselves in all that we choose to say and do
Self expression is the art of being you

As you choose your form of self expression
I hope that you choose to do so beautifully
As you share your masterpiece with me
As you create the master piece that is beautiful you!
Self-Expression is the Art of being you

To me you are a Master, Creating a Masterpiece
Quite a beautiful masterpiece indeed
You are the Beautiful Masterpiece I see

Masterpiece by Picasso

Thank you for being you and expressing yourself

I wanted to share this poem. I am using it as part of a reading for an upcoming Anthology pre reading. The essay and the poem will be in the Anthology when it is released this Spring. I will share them both later in the month via video after the reading 🙂 Hope you all have an amazing day!

Thank you for being you and for being the positive change our world so needs as you share your love and your smiles making our world a better place for all we share it with!

Commit to creating from your higher state of being! a re post from another blog I write for :)

I would like to share a little bit from one of the other projects I am working on I hope you enjoy the post and find it helpful!

Welcome to the Quantum NLP Blog.

Your presence is greatly appreciated and it is our intent that you enjoy your visit and find something that brightens your day and inspires you. The last few posts we have been exploring Christaine’s new book “The Law of Attraction Formula” (C) 2014 by Christiane Turner. The book due out in late November early December is a must have for every one that would like to take their life and dreams to the next level. Quantum is the next level and the Quantum State of Being or mind set is the way to achieve and accomplish the dreams and goals that for many may perceive to be impossible.

In the last post we shared that thoughts become things and that we create from the inside out. When we create from our Quantum state we attract things that are extraordinary. Here is an excerpt from Christianes new book that expresses what happens when we choose to go Quantum.


Commit yourself to create Quantum Results

When you are truly ready for something it puts it into appearance. As long as you have a sense of purpose, and move along your path with persistency you will succeed, and the results you are able to attract will leave you in Awe.

Miracles are normal

You are the catalyst to pull energy into physical form, which is truly miraculous. It’s through your transmissions that ideas transform into tangible results. There is a limitless supply of possibilities how thoughts can manifest in reality. By making the choice you can quantum leap into a completely different world of possibility and create the life of your dreams.

The results you attract into your life are the direct reflection of the quality of your thoughts. Your words are your magic wand to create miracles. You enable energy to transform itself from one state to another through the use of your will.

At the same time you support your intent with your high vibration feeling state. Your happy attitude is reflected by a higher frequency as you vibrate at a more rapid rate, which attracts high vibration Quantum Results to you.

Everything in the physical universe is made of energy, which is pure consciousness, and you allow yourself to proactively interact with that consciousness. Your results are a direct reflection of the level of energy you project and transmit.

From “The Law of attraction Formula” © 2014, Christiane Turner

Namaste with love,

Christiane Turner

With contributing writer,

Joe Bradshaw

The power of forgiveness… Incredible things happen when we ask!

I am somewhat reluctant to share an experience that I had the gift of being a part of recently. It was so moving and so filled with love I have to express my thoughts. It was out of respect that I debated if I should or shouldn’t yet I would be remiss if I did not.
Sometimes it seems that we are given the greatest gifts in the most unexpected ways in the most unexpected of places. We are always where we are supposed to be when we are supposed to be there. Life is a journey and we are all on our own paths or so it is said. We also have heard the saying the teacher shows up when the student is ready. I believe that whole heartedly, even if you are on your last dime and can not afford the classes you are supposed to be in the means will show up. Sometimes you don’t even seek the class or the path it finds you.

The last three days I have been attending classes that have been from 9 to 11 hours a day and involved home work. Have you ever attended a seminar or work shop that costs a lot of money and expected to do home work? The classes were about the “Art of Mentoring” and were taught by a truly gifted and talented mentor and public speaker. I am going to leave it at that out of respect and in reverence for those that shared one of the most powerful experiences with me I have ever experienced.

Imagine if you will a room with over 200 people taking a class to become mentors. The people were from all walks of life and I would say the group was about half men and half women. There were men that could have been professional athletes and I know that there were at least two that are known even famous that were in attendance.

Now imagine those two hundred people crying! In almost puree silence with a very soft background music playing 200 people man and women were crying. It was one of the most profound and beautiful experiences in my life. The energy of love and healing in that room was felt in the heavens as it was on this earth. As the tears fell from my eyes I thanked my maker as I shared my love with all that were present.

What you ask could make 200 people cry? The gift of an apology and the asking of forgiveness. We were expecting to talk about making 10,000 $ in a month. When we were all told that the thing that stops us had to be dealt with first. 200 People had 200 different thoughts going through their minds as the white sheet of paper was handed out. When we were all asked to take that piece of paper and write “I ask for your Forgiveness” and asked to write a letter to someone we needed to be forgiven by the room went silent we were given five minutes to write with a soft musical background. When the five minutes was up the lights were dimmed and we were asked to read are apologies reverently and in almost silent voices so the one we were standing next to could not hear our words.

There was not a single person in that room that did not shed a tear! The energy I felt was the most powerful energy I have ever experienced in a group of people. It was so beautiful loving and healing I had to share a few words here. The power of love and forgiveness is a gift of the highest order and will change your life and the lives of those around you!

I was given the tickets to this seminar at the last minute and had never even heard of the program. I have to say that I was meant to be there and learn from a Master.

Thank you all for visiting and allowing me to share some thoughts… L hope you can find it in your heart to ask for forgiveness and learn to forgive yourself. Forgiveness is love! Thank you all for being you, you are all awesome and amazing human beings and it is a gift to share this time and space with you. Thank you for being the positive change our world so needs as you share your love and your smiles making our world a better place for all we share it with! 

Self-Expression… The art of being you!

I am working on an essay of sorts for an upcoming Anthology, I chose to write about self-expression and have been asked to read at the upcoming pre release reading in a couple of weeks. I have actually written five different versions and needed to take a break before editing and combining them into a two page piece for the book and the reading. There is so much I can say about self-expression and the many ways we express ourselves. My favorite after a smile is writing, there are many ways to express ourselves in writing as well..

new phone pics 343

In the end I feel that the art of self-expression is in being you! However you choose to express yourself it is art! We are all works of divine art and meant to be unique. I hope we can all appreciate that we are works of art and express ourselves in beautiful ways. Dye your hair purple paint your nails pink, write a beautiful poem, paint a master piece, or share a beautiful smile what ever you choose do it with the knowing that you are a work of art!

Express yourself and be you! Time to get out and share a few smiles before getting back to work. Hope you are all having an amazing weekend! 🙂

Thank you all for being you and the wonderful, amazing ways you show the world how awesome and beautiful you are. Self expression is the art of being you, I hope you choose to paint and awesome and beautiful painting today and everyday as you are a masterpiece. Thank you for being the masterpiece you are and making our world a more better more beautiful place for all we share it with!

Namaste! 🙂

What do you do when you find yourself? Play in the World Series…

You have found yourself.. Now what? You spent years discovering who you are as a spiritual being having a human experience what comes after that discovery. When you find that part of you that exists beyond thoughts and emotions, the divine self what do you do?

I am quite intrigued with the many thoughts shared here on WordPress by many as well as much of what is shared in Ancient and modern texts. I have a number of friends from around the world that I consider very wise spiritual beings. Many of those say that our divine self is here to observe and our existence is simply to discover our divine self or remember who we are. We are part of a spiritual being or a collective of souls that make up a spiritual being as such we are united as one. That collective of spiritual being not only includes souls it is a part of all that exists. We for the most part find that divine self through meditative observation learning that we are not our thoughts we are that which recognizes those thoughts.

Okay I will agree we are not our thoughts. We do however create with our thoughts. I personally think that quite often the Ancient wisdom shared is not quite understood. Perhaps I am mistaken yet I myself experienced a time recently when I was asked a question as far as being a neutral observer. What is the point of being just an observer? To sit on the sidelines in the game of life, what would be the point of being here just to observe? If we just observe and let our thoughts flow and go with no judgment or emotion what are we creating?

The tree doesn’t need to think or judge it just grows. Be like the tree?

The river doesn’t need to think or feel it just flows. Be like the river?

The bird doesn’t need to think it just flies? Hmm

The bird thinks and learns to fly by observing its parents flying, the Lion learns to live and hunt by observing its parents living and hunting, we as humans learn many things by observing our parents and our societies. Human are blessed with the gift of being able to think and observe our thoughts from a higher perspective. In observing from a higher perspective we have the gift of choosing and creating from a higher perspective.

Although I do agree that we must become observers of our thoughts to discover our inner truth and higher self I do not agree with the perspective that we are here to merely observe. I agree that we should go with the flow as does the river flow and the tree grow.. That flow is embracing the positive thoughts as they come and going around the negative ones as the river goes around the rock. Eventually the positive thoughts break down the negative thoughts like the river wears down the rock.

We are here to engage and interact, to create beautiful things for the greater good of all that exists. How do we do that? We find our higher self, our soul that communes and shares with the spiritual being that we and all that exists are a part or product of. Then we observe our thoughts and choose to embrace those that create the most beneficial and beautiful creations for our greater good. That includes what is the greater good for our individual human experiences. If you create more wealth for example for yourself you are creating more wealth you can share with others. Even if you didn’t stand on the corner giving it away you are sharing with others on many levels. Your happiness, your good fortune and your success is an inspiration to others. The other aspect and benefit to finding yourself first is that when you do become aware of your thoughts and choose responsibly what you create.

What do you do when you find your higher self through observation.. You create from that higher self with your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions the most beautiful life and things you could ever imagine. Create with love and compassion by listening to your higher self and passionately taking part in the adventure and game of life. Live with love after you learn to observe with love

Life is in my opinion the Super Bowl, The World Series, The Grand Prix the ultimate game and in it we are all Champions if we choose to get off the sidelines and play!

Thank you for being you and allowing me to express my opinion and thoughts. I am grateful and appreciate you and your presence here and in our world where ever you are. Thank you as well for being the positive change our world so needs as you share your love and your smiles making our world a better place for all we share it with! 


The ultimate proof… the LOA works. I graduated!!!

What are you attracting into your life? What are you going to create today? What are you creating in this moment?

I am feeling very honored and moved by the gifts you and all of those I share time and space with bring to my life and our world. I have been attracting so many wonderful and awesome people and relationships with those people in my life. I have to say THANK YOU to all of you and to myself for making such wonderful changes in my life. You know you are truly evolving and changing when all your old friends are no longer in your life, the time of solitude ends and you are making new friends that are in line with your new state of being.

I have been in a state of dramatic change over the last seven and a half years after a divorce and an unplanned loss of my job as a carpenter in NYC. Much of that time was spent in solitude learning who I am and learning to love me. Many of those hours were spent in the study of spiritual writings and philosophy as well as the arts. The last four years I have been writing this blog and sharing much of my journey in writing and expressing my thoughts.

In the early part of the year this year I was inspired to attend an event that would ultimately expand my opportunities and my life in a way that I had never even imagined… They say dream big! They also say to expect the unexpected! When one door closes another opens, walk through it even though you don’t know where it leads have faith it will take you where you want to go. Even if you don’t really know where you want to go it will take you where you will get what you need.

That event was the “New Consciousness Expo” and when I walked through the door and met the event organizer I had no idea nor did I expect what has happened since then.

I started my first paid writing gig in exchange for the classes to become a Quantum NLP Practitioner! Saturday I graduated and received my certificate… I am officially a Quantum NLP Practitioner and look forward to helping people find themselves and change their limiting beliefs enabling them to be free and be who they are as they step into the new realities they create.


I am not sure what that will mean as far as this blog goes, I have been contemplating what my time and efforts are best devoted to. The new direction in my life is very writing based as writing is one of my passions. I have been working on two books as well as this blog and the Quantum NLP blog. I also am in the process of building two web sites one for my Mentoring business and one for my freelance writing ventures I am going pro as far as blog writing so I suppose that I will be sharing some of that adventure here as well.

My blog is titled Iamforchange… I hope you will enjoy the new and exciting changes that are starting to take place here as my life and reality change. I have attracted some of the most beautiful people in the world to stop by and read this blog and express their thoughts and interact with me here. I have created a new life and new career, a new direction, and found a new love for myself all of you and all there is. I am at this moment creating and sharing the most beautiful of thoughts and wishes for all of you and for our world.

Thank you all for your presence and your time as you read my pages I am grateful you take the time to do so and I am grateful for what you share on your pages and from your hearts. You are all creating beauty in our world and making it a better place for all we -share it with as you share your smiles and your love.. Thank you!

Namaste 

Whats Up with me?

Well Hello there,

You’re right it has been a while. I realize that some of you may have been wondering where I am and what I am up to. Some may even have been wondering if I am still alive after my last post expressing that I would be more present here on WordPress.

Actually, I’ve been quite busy on WordPress, just not on my blog as I originally had intended to be.

So, what the heck have I been doing on WordPress, if I haven’t been posting on my blog you ask?

Developing and building websites for companies and individuals.

One of which is a soon to be published state of the art E-zine. I share this because “Destinations Journal” is looking for submissions….

cover sample

Destinations Journal is a multi-cultural adventure, travel, adventure and lifestyle E-zine that will feature user contributed articles about living, adventuring and overcoming obstacles as we make our way to the many destinations we experience on life’s journey.

They are willing to pay for your story; how much they pay is dependent on the quality and length of the piece. A professionally produced and written story will obviously pay more than an article one of the editors will spend an hour working on to make it readable, but all stories are accepted for submission. That said not every story will be selected for publication.

Although the “Premier Edition” isn’t scheduled for release until the first week of December the website is active, and the submissions page is operational.

Another project I had the honor and privilege of working on is a regional on-line magazine/newspaper, Hurricane Valley Happenings. Hurricane Valley is nestled in between some of the Nation’s most scenic State and National parks in Southern Utah.


Those are the biggest projects of note outside of the content I produce for my bread and butter clients, that I have been working on with the exception of some ghost writing projects that I have been given the honor of working on. One of the projects I have been hired to work on is an action/thriller novel being written by a well known Hip-Hop artist. Stolen money, crooked FBI agents, drug dealers and lots of action and of course some rather steamy romantic moments.

That’s the short version of what’s been happening in my world work wise. The best part of the last few months has been spending time with my family and friends in various regions of the country.

As I write this post and reminisce about the last seven or so months I realize how synchronistic it was for me to be developing a couple of travel and adventure websites while traveling and adventuring.

If I could sum up what I have observed over the last few months after a lifetimes worth of experiences is that; “Life is a gift, we have been given that is to be experienced and lived with passion in a way that fulfills our desires as well as our needs.”

One of my passions is expressing concepts, ideas, thoughts and emotion in written words. Another of my passions is creating state of the art websites with my team, that meet or exceed our client’s expectations. The thing I am most passionate about however is being a participant in the adventure we know as life. Live long, laugh loud and love deeply while you journey through life on your adventure to reaching your destination wherever that may be.

Thank you for being you and doing all the things you do that make our world a better place for all we share it with.

Until next time Namaste with love,

