The New Year and one of Love and Hope!

As we start out the New Year, I would like to first say Happy New Year to all! I hope it is the best yet for all of us! That said I choose to express some thoughts on Hope.

I had been questioning the value of hope as many times in my life I have heard the expression Hope in one Hand and spit in the other or wish in one hand and spit in the other and see which one gets full first. My dad or step dad used to say such things as I was growing up and I have heard the expression much through out my existence.

I have been going through some great changes and with much distress and loneliness for the last few months. Although the rewards are great and the sacrifice was great I have come through a better person and a more beautiful soul. The depth of the lessons, and the gifts received far outweigh the sadness and the pain of heart ache.

I had occasion to speak with my mom a few days ago as I sat with her for dinner and as I was very down and questioning the Value of hope she shared a gift I take to heart and her wisdom although I have questioned at times is a wisdom I cherish. I asked her what is the point of hope? We do or we do not what does hope, have to do with anything? We can hope all day yet if nothing comes from it what is the point?

Her response was one of great enlightenment to me as far as the word the concept and my mothers wisdom. Hope she shared is what we live for, it is what we start our days with, it is what we do during our day and how we end our day. We get up in the morning and “Hope” we have a good day, we go through our day and as we see those less fortunate we “Hope” things get better for them as we end our day we “Hope” tomorrow is a better day.

Hope has a High place in our Hearts and with hope we take action and make our lives and the lives of others a more beautiful and fulfilling one. I often see those less fortunate than I in some ways and am inspired to share with them what I may in hopes of making their day or lives a little better. They in turn share the gift of hope back in my heart as I hope that I helped in some way.

Through Love we take action on the hopes that our love inspires and truly make our lives and those we touch more Beautiful and Brighter as well as more loving. Through the grace of Love and Hope we can all make our world a better place and our lives more meaningful and fill our hearts with the love they need.

Thank you for allowing me to share some thoughts and some of my love and hopes. I learn and grow with the greatest of Love in my Heart, that of my Lord and my God. The many times I have been with out hope through the many difficult and heart wrenching tragedies and some of the loneliest days a man can experience there has been an answer within and love from within even on the darkest of days. The answer has been found in the light of Love and the Hope of our maker that we will find that love and persevere.

Thank  You all and my hope for the New Year is that we may all find the Love and hope within to share that Love and make our world a better place for all who live on it and will in the future. We as Human Beings are the Creation of Love and Hope our maker wish’s and hopes we will are share our Love and be Beautiful people and Beautiful souls.   Thank you again and I hope we can all share a smile share our love and be the change positive and make our world a better place for all that exists on and in it! Be the change positive and please share your Love!

15 thoughts on “The New Year and one of Love and Hope!

    • Thank you and Happy New year to you as well! I wish you the best so far and the gift of Great love in your Heart throughout the year and for eternity thank you for sharing your gifts and your comments! 🙂

    • Thank you I love your posts and think you are a very beautiful soul… Thank you for caring about our Animal friends and stopping by my page and for commenting…Comments are always appreciated!

    • Thank you for stopping and sharing your thoughts! I appreciate them and hope you come back! I love your Blog and what you share, it is uplifting and from your heart as well. Thank you!

  1. From hope you can begin to reach for better and better feeling thoughts and feelings–gratitude, optimism, eagerness, belief, excitement, knowing, appreciation, joy, and love. From an energetic stand point, this is where we allow the good to flow in our lives. From a spiritual stand point, it’s when we begin to allow God to work in our lives. Hope is an incredibly valuable place to be coming from. Plus, it just feels a lot better than conflict, despair, and being a victim! Happy New Year, friend. May it be filled with hope and even higher emotions!

    • Thank you Jamie, thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts shared here and in your posts, you have quite a Beautiful heart and a beautiful way of expressing your self.I appreciate your words shared and am grateful you take the time to allow me to share some of my thoughts and enjoy them enough to say so!

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